Sunday, May 13, 2012

My Beachy Weekend

Hi everyone! I'm back! I was too busy growing up, I left the blogging to my Ummi. I hope she managed to entertain you all real good. But if she was a bore, I'm sorry. Chey! Call yourself a writer Ummi. Pfft.

Anyways... How was your weekend? Mine was wet...Not!!! Mine was sandy! We went to the beach! For 2 days in a row! We don't have beaches back home in KL. So, Ummi will make a trip to the beach compulsary whenever we are in Singapore.

On Saturday, we went to Changi beach. But as we were from a shopping trip before that, I wasn't properly dressed for the occasion. Clad in jeans & tee, Pfft! What were you thinking man? But being surrounded by my loved ones made up for it. Yai, Nyai, Mamoo, Maman, Kakak Gill & Ummi were all there. You were missed Awah! Well, you gotta workkkk! I know. So... We played with sand! I love sands. I used to be grossed by 'em, but not anymore.

The prior plan was to visit the airport cause well, I wanna see the airplanes. But hey! There were more plane sightings at the beach than at the airport itself man! And do you know all planes look like Darth Maul's spaceships from afar. With the lights & all! You don't? I so do, man! But when it approches you, the sound was so loud, I was a little scared. A little. Just a little. I love airplanes just the same.


The sun was going into hiding to make way for Mr Moon so we got to bid farewell to the beach. I was a little sad, but I had a long day and was a little tired by then. So goodbye planes, goodbye sand, goodbye Changi, goodbye beach... Not!!!

Because on Sunday we visited another beach called East Coast. And they said Singapore is smaller than Malaysia. Hello?! How many beaches you all have and how many do we have back in KL? Still wanna complain some more. (mo(m)derator note: I promise I'll explain to him more about how huge Malaysia is and how many hundreds of beaches we have there. he's 2. pardon his -me ish terror- engrish ;p)

East Coast beach was less crowded. I saw people camping in tents. I remember Awah telling me that we will go camping when I am bigger. I'm turning 2 soon Awah. I'm a big boy now. So when are we going? :p

I played with sands again. I am still scared of the waves, so I did not go inside the big sea. I wanted to actually, cause you know... I wanna meet my bestfriends Sharks. But Ummi said, Sharks do not come to shore and I am scared to swim in the sea. So yah! Maybe when I am as big as Awah, I will swim to the middle of the sea to meet them Sharks.

We drew a lot of things on the sands. Mamoo drew Maul, Ummi drew shapes and Gajah, Yai drew cars & Nyai... Nyai was so busy sheltering herself from the scorching sun with my frisbee, she drew many parallel lines with her footsteps. Hah!

We spent about an hour or so at the beach before Ummi said we gotta leave. I am fine. I had so much fun running, drawing and scooping sands, I felt a little tired myself by then. Yai promised we will come again before I leave for home. That is, something to look forward to. Weeee...

Oh My Gawd! Look at the clock! Its 1am! I have so passed my bedtime man! I will sign off here. Don't miss me too much! I'll write again before you could! Hehehe!

Wait! Before I forget! I know some of you wonder what did I give Ummi for Mother's Day? Some wet kisses & many tight hugs. Ummi knows she means the world to me. Ummi also knows every cents I have is safely deposited in Gringotts Bank and I have to be as big as Harry (yes, the boy who lived) to cash them out. So I have no money to buy her anything, now. Pfft. But, my very existence is more than enough of a gift to her. She doesn't need material appreciation. All she wants is for me to continue being the naughty little boy that I am. Ummi likes me Naughty. Naughty means I am learning. Naughty means I am curious. Naughty also means, she has my many little mischiefs to laugh at. Naughty means, I will do something wrong and she will tell me why I shouldn't have done it and I will listen to her every word and do not repeat the same mistake again. Ummi always say, It is perfectly okay to be naughty, but never it is okay to be stubborn. Weird is my Ummi & I love you Ummi!

Happy Mothers' Day to every mother reading this. You are stronger than Superman, richer than Batman much more flexible than Spiderman & sexier than Catwoman. You all are... Supermom!


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