Monday, May 14, 2012

Goodbye Chic! Hello Baby A: 14 January 2010

Dear Li'l AF

Thank you for doing that impressive break dance stance while the Sonographer was checking you out just now. Guess. your Nyai was right. You WERE waiting for your dear 'ol Daddy's presence before opening up to the world. In fact you were like showing 'IT' right to our faces! (Take that you kaypo Mom & Dad!) Your li'l bum was so visible, I felt like spanking you!

The way you turned yourself upside down was really something huh li'l one. I'm carrying an agile acrobat in here! Mommy could never do that, with or without you in me. I prefer to agree with the force of gravity. (Maybe that is why I am prone to falling down too. Gravity pulls me too hard sometimes. Heh!) Your daddy?! Of course he can dance. In fact, he can turn himself upside down and stand on just his pinky! He is so agile that I sometimes call him MRS Incredible. But! That was 20 years ago. Ya.. A very loooong time ago. ;) Now?! No. Cannot. Period.

So, after seeing your tiny 'balls' hanging somewhere in mid air, it has somehow confirmed your sex. No! We're so not talking the sex SEX per se. We're talking about your gender li'l one. YES. Apparently, Gender & Sex carries the same meaning. Don't ask me why. Ask your Daddy. He's the Rocket Scientist in the family. We'll talk about sex SEX when you're a little bigger okay. No. Not a li'l. A whole lot bigger. For now, get Sex out of your tiny brain. Pfft. Kids nowadays! (;p)

With the revelation, it is time for Mommy & Daddy & EVERYONE ELSE (ferdatmatter) to stop calling you Chic. (Wonder how did I came up with such a horrendous nick for you?! Ooh! It was derived from my love of Chicken. Heh! Sorry Chic. Ooops! Sorry! Habit!)

So... Ya! You shall be known to the world as Baby A.F from here onwards. No Silly People! AF does not stand for Akademi Fantasia! & I'm not planning to have a baby of Mawi's fame, mind you! (Our li'l AF is gonna be more famous than that Mawi World guy bytheway) Hmph!

So, A.F stands for...? It will all be revealed in approximately 5 months time. InsyaAllah.;)

Oh my god!! I'm nearly 5 months pregnant already?! How time flies! But, the wonderful thing is, I don't look like I'm into my 5 months. Though my jeans have long been stored away, my tops & leggings still fit. Everyone around seems to be very concerned with how tiny my bump is. Even the nurses thinks it's too small to be seen.

-P/S: The Nurses ALWAYS have concerns huh. Even my 7kg weight gain so far is becoming a cause for their concern. What?! I'm gaining too little?! You call 7 HEAVY KG little?! No wonder nurses are mostly fat & wobbly (As per your Daddy). No. We don't have issues with nurses. Okay. Maybe just 1 infamous Nurse from Singapore. But we LOVE nurses as a whole. Wobbly & All. P/S ends-

So, (I get sidetracked so easily.) Anyways! What important is, you're growing up well & healthy in me. As per Dr S, the pregnancy is going as normal & healthy as it can be. Alhamdulillah. Thank you my precious for keeping Mommy strong and active so far.

Oooooo Kay! I think I blabber too much already. I still have 3 story beats to write and here I am being motherly & all. (By THE way, we can go shopping for pretty pretty dresses soon! Ooops No. No dress. Only Rompers, Jeans, Onesies & Shirts! Yaiy! Yaiy!) Heh!

So, Baby A.F! Again, thank you for opening up. Thank you for being the li'l one Mommy & Daddy has always dreamed of (Mommy, for the ease of dressing you up. Daddy, for his dream of training a future Raikonnen). Thank you for being OUR li'l one.

See you in 1 month time. Till then, keep on ROCKIN'.

Mommy & Your Very Hardworking Panda. Eh! Wrong! Daddy.


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