Tuesday, May 15, 2012

My half year old Ayden Farish: 16 December 2010

It's 2.08am & i'm typing this on my iPod. I can't get to sleep as I made myself a cup of caffeine at midnight. Not so wise. I know. But I seriously don't mind this perky can't sleep mode. I so appreciate this alone time, to look at my sleeping bub. Oh Ayden! How fast you've grown!

Time sure flies when you're having fun. With a blink of an eye, my son has passed the halfway mark of his first year.

Everyday, I see developments of his that makes me swell with pride. He now slithers all over. He's able to sit without support, he wants to hold the book when read to, he'll talk back with enthusiasm when talk to, he'll squeeze himself thru tight corners (not claustrophobic like his dad), he loves playing hide 'n' seek & he loves to sing. Yes. Everytime, I sing to him he'll chorus along in mumblish unison. His favourite song is You're My Sunshine. So remind me to show off my bub's vocal prowess the next time we meet.

I remember 6 months ago when he was a fragile little baby, I wished he was bigger like every other grown babies. I wished he'd be able to do a lot of things that he can't do then. But now that he is bigger, mobile and very very agile and hyper, I miss that tiny wrinkly babe sometimes.

Now that he can eat, he wants to eat EVERYTHING. I still only feed him Frisocrem with Heinz pureed foods for lunch & fresh pureed fruits for dinner. No. No Asam Pedas, McDonalds & Lontong for him yet. Though his prying eyes never leave our filled to the brim plates at mealtimes. I love how he licks his lips & suckle them everytime he salivates looking at the grown up foods. So cute! I wish I could record it on video but everytime the lens is pointed at him, all actions stop. Bleargh. Maybe the next time I wanna shoot him, I should ask the husband to scream "Action!". Heh!

Lucky me to be given a chance by the Almighty, to experience the glorious happiness of a mother. Not all women of the world have such luck (god bless them. better joy is promised to you all in other forms) but I did. This I treasure with everything that I have. True that you will never really know the meaning of LOVE till you became a Mother. I want to protect Ayden from everything. I want to keep him safe. I want to love him & love him & love him. Gosh! I never knew I have this much love in me. I never knew one could produce love on demand!

But even if I try, I can't fully protect him. He needs to hurt and hurl to learn and live.

Ayden got his first fall from his feeding chair 2 days ago. I heard a loud thump & the next sight I saw was my li'l bub head down on the cold hard floor. He wailed for a good 20 seconds. Then smiled like he had just fallen in love. My Superboy. My mom applied medicated oil on the bump & he continues smiling. I put ice on the bump expecting more wailings (no one likes having cold ice pressed on one's body parts) but my Superboy smiled and mumbles happily. He screamed when I take the ice off his head, instead. Yes. Sadist I heard?

Ayden likes to play it rough. Yes! Our favourite past time is cutting fingernails. It is the only time when I can have him in his most subdued self. Everytime I show him the nailclipper, he'll let go of everything & willingly shove his tiny hands into mine. I accidentally cut into his skin a few times. Cut. Yes. Blood. Yes. Present. But he had never squealed even a bit. That was when I conclude that my son is a Sadistic li'l bub. Haha!

Recently, I became very emotional, often. News about babies being abused, abandoned, toddlers kidnapped, missing girls & boys. I'm sad for these tots' parents & I also fear for my own's safety. It is normal for mothers to feel such, right? Paranoia is a trait of a loving mother. No?

It's 3.10 now. I guess i'll continue this note some other time. When I have the time. I wanna get back to staring & smothering my smelly sleeping bub.

Night night!

P/s: Motherhood rawks big time! Thank you my dear husband for being careless & getting me knocked up! :)


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